“Somebody has to stand up for the people” "Somebody has to stand up for the people."

Moira can also be a great pick as her Biotic Grasp does not use up any ammo. Winston can also kill Lucio easily as his Tesla Cannon automatically hits targets in the general direction players are facing. Lucio is a hero with great mobility that can be countered by slowing him down using Mei's primary attack. In particular, we recommend using the Countdown ping as it allows you to effectively coordinate timings with your team.

Make frequent use of voice communication or the game's Ping System to make the most out of Amp It Up and Sound Barrier. Communicate and Coordinate With Your Team Lúcio's Speed Boost is quite potent, allowing him and his team to reach objectives and enemies faster and potentially evade deadly ultimates. Maintain a habit of swapping from Healing Boost to Speed Boost whenever you and your allies are at full health. Swap to Speed Boost When Allies are Healthy Aiming your crosshairs closer to the ground increases Soundwave's bounce height, while firing closer to the enemies' center of mass sends them further laterally. You can adjust the way Soundwave sends enemies flying by aiming the ability at different angles. While Lúcio generally uses Soundwave to push enemies away from himself, his allies, and crucial objectives, he can also use it to shove enemies off the map, eliminating them instantly. We recommend doing so as it improves Lúcio's overall mobility and versatility by allowing him to start Wall Rides from additional angles. In the Options menu, under the Hero tab of Lúcio's Controls page, you can enable the Allow Backwards Wall Ride option. However, note that Lúcio's momentum rapidly drops once he reaches the ground, so stay on the walls if you want to preserve your speed. You can ramp up Lúcio's momentum quickly by repeatedly riding from wall to wall, allowing him to zoom around as if he were under an amped-up Speed Boost.

When playing as Lúcio, use Wall Ride often to increase your movement speed and close the gap between objectives, enemies, and allies faster! Repeatedly Increase Wall Ride Momentum Tips and How to Play Wall Ride Increases Move Speed